February 2nd 2051 – 2 weeks into the Echo Sessions experiments

I’m a scientist, not a linguist, I make spelling and grammar mistakes, but this journal is my life; people sometimes tell me that written journals are, to quote some of them “dangerously updated”…what can I say, paper is scarce nowadays, but it feels comfortable touching something from the golden era, especially since the past 2 weeks or so were a little too…confusing.

I was part of the Echo Sessions experiment, an experiment meant to explore the Echo Nexus phenomenon, a phenomenon where alternate lives of an individual exist in parallel within the same timeline.

After day ten of the experiment, I walk out of the laboratory as usual, through the big transparent door; it’s a remarkable sight, you can see everything from the inside, while the laboratory is a complete mystery to all outside.

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Looking through the door however, I have noticed something weird, something has changed. I closed my eyes and shook my head twice to get my mind straight, this experiment makes me loose the sense of reality, I need to get some rest.

The big door was making some strange noises, I forgot that I need to open my eyes wide for scanning, these folks really take security seriously.

Scan complete…at last, another 5 minutes and I am home, the novel that I’m writing for 20 years is almost ready; “Finally, an accomplished writer!”, I’ve said to myself, writing is a good escape from reality, reality becomes what you want it to become.

Now, people are trying to bend reality, but we humans did this for Millenia, through writing.

But something is not right, all seems blurry and strange, I need to rest. I wanted to walk, get my thoughts together, but pods it is.

I hate pods, but at least I am inside, 2 minutes of silence and darkness are welcomed, the world outside gives me a cold sweat.

Dr. Foster said that I need to sleep for at least 4 hours after the Echo Sessions, it’s doctor advice, I have to take it, if something wrong happens during the sessions because I’m not in an optimal state, I will be removed from the program, and I’ve worked hard to get here, I love technology since I was 2 years old and got my first language translation implant. Tomorrow is the big day, we should have some initial conclusive results, I hope things don’t become “convulsive”, do you know what I mean? Good dad joke no. 110!

Mercury Image
Let's go home